Home Birth Midwife services

Home birth Midwifery Care
For FAQ & cost information, click here.
An initial prenatal visit, typically done around 10-12 weeks, which includes discussing your medical & pregnancy history, drawing labs if needed, going over informed choice documents & what you desire for your pregnancy + birth
Monthly prenatal visits until the third trimester, then every 2-3 weeks in our office, a 36 week home visit (this is when we will come to you, check out your birth space/ make suggestions, make a back-up/transfer plan, discuss supplies to gather, your birth preferences, etc.), and then starting at 37 weeks we will meet weekly in our office for prenatal visits until birth. During your prenatal visits we will hang out, drink a cup of tea, catch up, discuss your nutrition/ exercise/ emotional status, any aches/ pains you may be experiencing (& ways to treat them), draw labs or do other routine testing if desired, check your vitals & check on your baby’s growth & heart rate. If you already have kids they are more than welcome to come along & play and ask questions, borrow a book from my lending library, I will give you resources or referrals for programs/services/providers/etc. if needed and go over what to expect in the coming weeks and how to best prepare for your birth at home.
Prenatal potlucks are held approximately every other month. These gatherings are included in our fee and are a great way to connect with other homebirth families due around the same time as you. During these potlucks everyone brings a small dish to share with the group, we often have a guest speaker who presents something to the group (pelvic floor therapist, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, chiropractor, hypnobirthing instructor, herbalist, mental health therapist, lactation consultant, sleep specialist, etc.). It’s also another great way to meet my birth team and have a prenatal visit all in one day! I highly recommend coming to at least 1 prenatal potluck during your pregnancy.
Online prenatal education classes such as lactation, postpartum & newborn care. (Offered quarterly)
The midwifery team is on call beginning at 37 weeks. We provide attentive care during your labor, birth, immediate postpartum and a comprehensive head-to-toe newborn examination. We will monitor and assess you & the baby to ensure everything is normal and transport appropriately if homebirth is no longer a safe option (check out my FAQ page for more info about transfers). Waterbirth or water immersion during labor is absolutely an option for those who desire it (I have birth tubs available for rent, or you can purchase your own). We stay roughly 2-4 hours postpartum to ensure you & baby are doing well and that the baby has successfully latched.
Postpartum home visit within 48 hours of birth and another home visit within the first to second week postpartum. During these visits we check on your emotional & physical wellbeing as well as your baby- to ensure they are gaining weight & adjusting well to life outside the womb. We make referrals as necessary if we see that there are any concerns or abnormalities.
6 week postpartum visit in office- hold space for your birth story, assess how you’ve physically healed, a Pap smear if desired, check in how you are doing emotionally, discuss plans for future pregnancies or options to prevent pregnancy if TTA, examine the baby, talk about any issues or difficulties you may be having, & celebrate the goodness in your life.
Postpartum potlucks/ pap lucks are typically held 1-2x a year and are another great opportunity to connect similar to the prenatal potluck. At these there is sometimes a guest speaker- we share birth stories, discuss any challenges that we may be facing, share advice with each other, etc. Pap smears done for those who desire one and are due.
I believe that it’s important to understand that prenatal care starts with yourself.
As your midwife, I am here to develop a trusting relationship with you and make sure that your pregnancy continues to stay healthy & low risk. All of the choices during this pregnancy are yours. There are no right and wrong answers as to which tests to do or not do. I am here to give you the information needed to make informed choices, answer your questions, and hold a safe space for you.
Customizable Prenatal/ Postpartum Care for those Choosing to Birth Unassisted or in the hospital
Whether you are choosing to free birth at home or birthing in a hospital, you are still able to receive compassionate, individualized midwifery care prenatally/ postpartum. We can do as little or as many visits as YOU would like. Contact us for more information!
Travel Midwifery
Are you pregnant and unable to find a midwife you connect with in your area? Looking for a midwife to cover your practice for vacation or maternity leave? I am now available for travel midwifery, but be sure to reach out the moment soon before I book up at my home base!
Placenta Encapsulation
Using the raw method, your placenta is cut up into tiny, thin pieces and dehydrated for 24-48 hours, it is then ground up in a coffee grinder and put into pills for you to take. This service is available for clients for $300.00.
More information coming soon!
Fertility Counseling
More information coming soon!
Preconception Counseling
More information coming soon!
Let’s chat
How can we serve you and your birth best? Let’s schedule a time to get to know one another.
Click here to learn about the steps to hiring a homebirth midwife!